Inductive Automation awarded ILS Automation, Inc. a silver Ignition Firebrand Award at the 2014 Ignition Community Conference (ICC) on September 24, 2014. The award was given for a project ILS completed providing a multi-layered software solution for lab data, providing efficiencies for the pharmaceutical industry.

Project Goal

Optimizing strain & operating conditions to increase yield for laboratories that perform many experiments to develop & understand biological processes. The challenge was the need to simultaneously compare real-time and historical batches.

Solution Awarded Ignition Firebrand Award

Batch Expert+, a traditional SCADA built on the Inductive Automation framework, extends Ignition charting to:

  • Support batch age on the x-axis
  • Provide recipe-based control by “wrapping” Sequential Function Charts (SFCs)
  • Manage the planning, execution, offline analysis and final reporting of batch data across multiple groups of users through tight database integration and real-time data integration.

For more details about this Firebrand Award, visit Inductive Automation’s ICC 2014 page.

A custom component developed in Java uses a slider to view batch age